The Twin Towers Live On

Leona M Seufert is a digital artist using Photoshop to create collages that tell a story. Our current exhibit has the 6 she did around the theme of 9/11 fading from memory. For every 9/11 she writes poems and does research to write essays that talk about the year just passed and what has happened at Ground Zero. This year she was very disappointed to discover that her research turned up only one item: the rebuilding of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church being completed. She felt that 9/11, that horrible day 22 years ago, was fading from our memories and thus proceeded to create her series “When Memories Fade Away.” She used images of what was at Ground Zero prior to the fall of the Towers and superimposed that upon abstract images of the Twin Towers. You will notice she “faded away” those images, as being out of focus to emphasizes the fact that we no longer see clearly that past time. View our current virtual exhibit to see all 6 of these stunning images
Visit her website to view other digital collage series she’s created.
To see the history of the last 22 years since 9/11 and the rebuilding of ground Zero, visit her World Trade Center Journal website.
Leona Seufert

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