Unique jewelry by Leona Seufert

Transforming non-traditional items to make something entirely new
Leona M Seufert is a jewelry artist who creates her pieces out of unusual items. She believes that they should be “statement pieces” that tell a story. In the 70’s and 80’s when she started creating jewelry, recycling, upcycling, and sustainability were not trending words. However, when she was in Junior High and her art teacher brought a box of cast off jewelry items to class she experienced the creative thrill of transforming those non-traditional items to make something entirely new.
She has tried enameling, metal working, loom bead work, clay and the new plastic clay. But she’s always gravitated back to using found objects because, for Seufert, she can use them to create something unique.
She has created her jewelry out of the following items:
A pipe bowl
Dresser knob backplates
Eyeglass lenses
Large plastic paper clips
At one point she had access to music rehearsal rooms so she went in and lifted loose ivories off the piano keys, then glued silver paper doilies on and sealed with clear acrylic
Belt buckles are a favorite 

Modern plastic
Small enamel
Also she’s taken belts apart and used the individual pieces to create pins

Buttons, ah yes buttons, she has made many pieces using one or multiple buttons, modern or antique
And she does continue to recycle jewelry, like a favorite earring that lost its mate to become the “Eye of God” pin!
